

11 Nov

Fitness for older adults: a trend you can’t ignore

Fitness programming for older adults has ranked third in the American College of Sports Medicine’s (ACSM) 2024 trends report for the second consecutive year. This insight, drawn from...

30 May

Seizing the opportunity: how community leisure can support an overburdened NHS

Respected industry professionals will explore how the community leisure sector can become a vital preventative health partner for an overstretched NHS at next month’s Elevate show.   Experts...

14 Sep

Positive outcomes from an intensive exercise programme using a Technology-Enriched Rehabilitation Gym for the recovery of function in people with chronic stroke

Researchers from Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, carried out a study1 to assess the feasibility of Technology-Enriched Rehabilitation Gym (TERG) for the recovery...

11 Aug

Europe Active's Active Ageing Communities - an interview with Professor Paulo Caserotti

In one of our recent Innerva Interviews, David Heathcote, Head of Business Development at Innerva spoke with Professor Paolo Caserotti, Head of Centre for Active & Healthy Ageing at...

02 Aug

Engaging and empowering an older workforce

Hosted by David Heathcote, Innerva’s head of business development, our latest webinar discussed the need for more older people in the workforce with an expert panel comprising:...

31 May

Health and Fitness is NOT fit for purpose?

We are delighted to be hosting a frank and thought-provoking panel discussion at Elevate 2023 next month. As the UK’s largest trade show dedicated to fitness, sport and...